Zuckerberg, Musk, and their foreign and domestic co-conspirators tortured and killed my dog, Jack. And they have been torturing and trying to kill me.
In addition to actual murder attempts and constant stalking and assaults, the criminal enterprise that I refer to as the A.S.S. – of which, Zuckerberg and Musk are principal members – has been trying to choke me off financially. By suppressing my e-mails, they have killed my engineering career, my most recent online business (SecurePower®), and my social media app (schmarkstalkerberg.com).
They even corrupted the Social Services Department to deny me food. If it weren’t for the assistance of my brother, I would have starved in the street by now.
This is a slow and long campaign of torture and murder – with extra steps – as if they’re relishing every moment of it; as if it’s a sick sport.
To execute their operations they rely heavily on unauthorized access to my computers, phones, and personal spaces such as my car and leverage defamation, digital currency, and the inherent power of their companies and nations to socially engineer my torture and traps meant to remove me from society.
When I moved back to Los Angeles in late 2023, I was making deliveries for Grubhub and trying to earn enough money so that I could afford food and a motel room for that night. Each day was a struggle – the A.S.S. made sure of that. As the weeks went by, the A.S.S. would increase the toxin delivered to my dog that would cause him pain and seizures and they decreased my Grubhub offers. Until one day, they killed my dog. And one day they broke my car.
The last day of my dog’s life was pure hell. Instead of the seizures subsiding in the evening like they had been doing for months, these seizures were violent and never stopped. Twelve hours later, early in the morning, with my dog still seizing and several bath towels soaked with his drool, I reached out to my brother to ask for the several hundred dollars that it costs to have, Jack, my best friend of 14.5 years be put out of his misery and cremated. My dog didn’t die at the hands of an A.S.S. agent, but that doesn’t make this crime any less their fault. Just like starving me in the street is still murder. In other words, death by a thousand cuts is still murder 1.
Two weeks before my dog’s death, I had a court hearing regarding jurisdiction involving the French multi-national Schneider Electric SE. While I lost that hearing, I believe I did well enough to prevail on appeal. The night before the hearing the A.S.S. were of course stalking me. And they of course administered toxins that night so that my mind was on my sick dog and not resting or preparing for the next day’s hearing.
They also ran other operations, like having the Motel 6 clerk give me a room that has a door to the next room, something that they knew I avoided because it would be an easy opportunity for the A.S.S. to kill me and chop me up into pieces for easy disposal. The A.S.S. also had planted a car in the parking lot and hired a tow truck driver to tow it with the car’s e-brake on so that it skidded out of the parking lot and got my attention. The tow truck episode was part of their operation to make me think they were going to tow my car so that I couldn’t attend the hearing, or it was one of their foreshadowing operations – something they do often – and they were indeed going to tow my car. However, there was a police car near the entrance of the Motel 6 the next morning and that could be the reason that my car didn’t get towed and I made it to the court hearing. The Judge didn’t rule on the hearing until after my dog died, and I believe Jack was killed because I did well at the hearing.
The French multi-national Schneider Electric SE was the company that I represented to SpaceX and many other organizations in the Los Angeles area. I was very good at my job and increased my revenue by 30% every year for the five years that I sold for them. However, two variables are in play here: (1) when I wanted to leave, I represented a potential competitive threat to France; and (2) France, along with China and India, offers American multi-national technology companies, such as the companies helmed by Zuckerberg and Musk, special services in the form of intelligence services. And insecure, morally corrupt, weak, and treasonous men, like Zuckerberg and Musk, can live out their revenge of the nerd’s fantasy, while France, China, and India can weaken and control the United States, thereby elevating their standing in the world in what they perceive is a zero-sum game.
Neither Mark Zuckerberg nor Elon Musk, an illegal immigrant, are engineers. They might be billionaires, but perhaps they saw me (an engineer and legal immigrant) as either a threat to their perceived technological competency or they projected their insecurities on me, a small nerd, one that they could now, in their position of power, bully instead of being the ones being bullied.
So instead of hiding behind a keyboard and hiring common criminals and foreign and domestic enemies of the United States to intimidate, irritate, and instigate me; or trying to agitate me with one-dollar tips and rude customers and difficult deliveries to provide plausible deniability for you and Grubhub to stop giving me offers; or damaging my property; or hacking my computer and phones; or hiring sick people to spread viral loads on me, my processions, and in the space’s I occupy; instead of keeping me from working or running a business; and instead of stalking me relentlessly every single day and organizing what has to be one of the biggest conspiracies in history, all to take down this 115-pound engineer who is a better man than you, I say this to you: fight me.
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