“Companies like Facebook should not be allowed to behave like ‘digital gangsters’ in the online world, considering themselves to be ahead of and beyond the law.”
-U.K. House of Commons
“It’s better to buy than compete”
-Mark Zuckerberg
“Facebook has also made a point of attempting to detect and evaluate competitive threats early, in order to neutralize them before they have a chance to grow fully.”
-Federal Trade Commission
“Facebook’s weaponization of user data and its strategy to “acquire, copy, or kill” competitors has been wildly successful…”
-Klein v. Facebook (2020)
“For actual or potential competitors that it was unable or disinclined to acquire, Facebook turned to an arsenal of exclusionary tactics to foreclose them from access to key resources they had come to rely upon…”
“I]f you stepped into Facebook’s turf or resisted pressure to sell, Zuckerberg would go into “destroy mode” subjecting your business to the “wrath of Mark.””
-48 State Attorney Generals
Mark Zuckerberg had my dog tortured to death, killed my social media app, and he’s torturing and trying to kill me. So I took him to court.
I’ve hit a wall of corruption in court. But before I get to that, let me tell you about how Mark Zuckerberg likes to spend his days.
On days when a physical or electronic stalking operation, or a series of operations, is planned, and the execution, in whole or in part, is likely to result in in me being sent to jail, the hospital, or the morgue, Mark Zuckerberg, sends me an email from the Instagram domain late at night or early in the morning before the event(s). The emails continued long after I unsubscribed from all Instagram emails.
Mark Zuckerberg uses aliases on burner phones running applications owned and operated by Meta Platforms, Inc., to plan and execute the stalking. Defamation, along with digital currency, is leveraged as social engineering tools to employ agents to act on his behalf. Specifically, he falsely claims that I am a pedophile and a thief.
Mark Zuckerberg trades information, that is gleaned from the company he operates (Meta Platforms), for in-kind services from intelligence apparatuses of nations (France, China, and India) hostile to the United States to terrorize me—to neutralize a competitive threat; entertainment that is monetized on Meta Platforms application’s; and for his sadistic desires.
Mark Zuckerberg personally traffics in obscenity, stalking, and harassment using the applications owned and operated by the company of which he is the CEO, Chairman, and controlling shareholder. He personally recruits common criminals as agents acting on his behalf for his terror campaign against me.
Mark Zuckerberg first started stalking me in 2016/2017 at Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters. The operations are sophisticated and would be best explained by demonstration rather than narrative.
Displaying the evidentiary evidence on a graph, with “x” being time and “y” being the severity of each event (e.g., rude, civil limited, civil unlimited, misdemeanor, and felony), there is a constant baseline of two types of events. One category is what I refer to as “presence and event timing irritation, intimidation, and instigation.” The second constant daily category is mimicking. Both of these two baseline event categories leverage constant physical and electronic surveillance and unauthorized access to computers, computer systems, and computer data. Both of the baseline categories don’t exceed the threshold with what a police officer can help with. With both of these categories, the goal is to keep all conspirators as unknown “Does.”
Occasionally, the conspirators make careful plans and execute events that exceed the baseline threshold and have made forays all the way up into premeditated attempted murder. However, even if they are not successful in accomplishing higher levels of criminality, integrating the events over time yields truly torturous results.
The purpose of each event varies. Many are based on hacking my computers and phones; many are reflections (mimicking) of personal data, actions, and events, including in times when one expects privacy such as a bathroom, home, car, or private office using hidden recording devices and the unauthorized access to my computers and phones; some are attempts to defraud; some involve robbery; some are actual attempts at violence; some are psychological operations; some are denial of specific services; some are fake medical emergencies; some are placed witnesses coupled with instigation operations; some are manufactured delays; some are bad examples; some are setups for future events; many involve the laxatives magnesium citrate and Escherichia coli; inauthentic behavior is constant, often involving poorly acted out skits designed to manipulate, foreshadow or suggest future threats; some are distractions; some are biological attacks with sick people purposely targeting me with viral loads, including trespassing into private spaces; some are annoying; some are celebrations of a successful terror campaign; many are involve honeypots, including minors; some involve the torture and death of pets; some involve sexualizing children; some are implicit threats; some are explicit threats; and some are kidnapping and murder attempts.
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