Elon Musk Is a Criminal

“[T]he documents show[] what kind of services Mr. Musk used to go after whistleblowers and private individuals.”

– Individual’s Identity Withheld (Alexi Mostrous, Pedo guy | Elon’s Spies Ep1)

I won’t bury the lead: Elon Musk is a fraud; he is a lowlife who should be occupying space behind bars – not Mars. He has been stalking me since at least 2015.

NASA will spend millions to ensure mission success and keep astronauts safe. Elon Musk would spend astronauts’ lives to save thousands of dollars. 

I was the sales engineer designing SpaceX’s data center in Hawthorne, California, starting in 2011. I put together the three-phase plan that took them from an ad-hoc computer room to maximizing the capacity of the space allocated for the data center. This data center is not buried in a basement. It sits prominently and symbolically in the middle of the facility near the entrance and a main elevator with windows peering into the nerve center of the facility.

As a sales engineer, I have to work within the constraints given to me by the customer such as budget and space. I give the various stakeholders options and costs and inform them of the tradeoffs so that they can make an informed decision.

My scope was limited from the battery backup system (Uninterruptible Power Supply, AKA UPS) to the rack-level power plugs for the power system. This includes the cooling system and all of the hardware and software inside the computer room that supports the customer’s servers, networking, and storage gear – which, along with the generator equipment, are out of my scope.

Before the Model S was in production, before SpaceX started testing its reusable rockets, and before it launched its first commercial flight, I had advised SpaceX that they should consider a more reliable design solution, albeit one that was more expensive. Manned space flight was already in the plans, and I argued that since we were talking about human lives they should consider a more sophisticated solution, one that is often deployed for mission-critical applications. 

But the engineers at SpaceX had a clear mandate: keep costs down. What other customers in the region thought of as insurance to keep their business online and were happy to spend money to ensure business continuity and brand protection, SpaceX engineers were afraid of bringing a solution to Elon Musk that he would label as “pie in the sky.”

Eventually, a catastrophic failure exposed weaknesses in the system design. Was it Musk’s arrogance or propensity to cut corners to save a buck that was to blame? I would argue that it was both. Musk was the CTO of SpaceX, but he appears to not know what he doesn’t know, which includes electrical engineering. 

This set the stage for 2015 when I was looking for new challenges. I had been living in an apartment in Redondo Beach since 2012. I had three neighbors. The one right next to me, who shared a common wall with me, was bribed to move, and Elon Musk moved an agent in there that represented his interests. The landlord, along with the other two neighbors were also engaged in a conspiracy to stalk me.

The male that moved right next door was Ukrainian. I was also born in Ukraine. The new Ukrainian neighbor claimed to be an employee of SpaceX. This was meant to lure me in because I had visited Space many times by that point. I always enjoyed going there – everything about it, except perhaps for Musk’s management style, aligned with who I was. Besides that one design meeting where I pushed for a more robust system, I did not offer any other criticism, and I did everything I could to help SpaceX be successful. 

The new neighbor claimed to be having trouble getting his internet set up and asked if he could use my Wi-Fi. I created a guest account on my Apple Airport Express and gave him the password. He then went to work on hacking my network. 

The products I represented were made by a French company. Musk, as an agent working in conjunction with a foreign adversarial power, France, already hacked my phone. They needed to have all of my electronics hacked as they engaged in their campaign to terrorize me. 

They did not hide the fact that I was hacked. Instead, the hacking was part of the terror campaign. For example, they cut the power and entered my apartment while I was away so that they could hack my security camera. I know this because my dog was scared for his life when I returned – the first time that has happened. The power outage was reported to me by the security camera. 

The security camera was purchased after one of my windows was left open, one that I never opened. Musk and his agents used my hacked security camera to bombard me with false positives while I was away. They would also reboot my MacBook while I was sleeping as a show of force.

The new neighbor was also not exactly hiding his purpose of moving in there. He was happy to show me his overpowered computer that he used to brute-force his way into my network. He was purposely showing me that he wears gloves to keep fingerprints off objects, and he would reflect information that he shouldn’t have had to me. For example, I had purchased a 3D printer and started prototyping an exercise machine that I had designed, and that’s when he started complaining about having an issue with the specific muscle that my product targeted. He also spoke suspiciously about my garbage which showed signs of intrusion.

After sufficiently arousing my suspicions on purpose, he started laying some otherwise innocent-sounding traps. For example, he got a bench press for his apartment and invited me to work out with him – not a position you want to be in if you’re being hunted.

While he claimed to be a SpaceX employee, when I couldn’t recall the name of SpaceX’s CEO, I turned to him to answer that. He had to grab his computer and look it up.

Elon Musk has been a principal in the gang that continues to stalk me to this day.






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